Tenant Referencing Blog

Archive for tag: rent

LSL say rents have risen £1 on average since May

LSL say rents have risen £1 on average since May The most recent buy-to-let index from LSL shows rents haven't risen as quickly as inflation over the past year. The company's index shows that

Rent in advance is not a deposit

The Court of Appeal has made a landmark ruling, decreeing that the payment of rent in advance does not count as a deposit. The decision comes from the case of Johnson vs. Old, which

Universal Credit causes huge increase in arrears

Rent arrears have risen by up to sevenfold in the wake of the decision to pay social housing tenants' benefits to them, rather than directly to their landlords. The scheme, known as Universal

UK Tenants Struggling with Rental Payments

Recent research has found that the UK letting market is feeling the negative affects of the credit crunch with many letting agents in the UK reporting that tenants are struggling to keep their

Buy to let Investment opportunities for UK landlords

It has been widely reported that the North of England presents the best opportunity for buy-to-let investors to gain the best rental returns. Like it or not, landlords have a decision to make;

Are we becoming a nation of renters?

Rental properties in the UK are on the increase proving that Britain is seeing the value of renting versus buying. Last year saw figures of 692,766 (9.14% up on previous year) rental properties

Tenant Referencing and Credit Checks – Don’t Gamble with Your Property

How much is your property worth in terms of resale value, rental income and your financial future? Don't take a gamble when you're looking for new tenants, why give your keys to a virtual