Tenant Referencing Blog

Archive for tag: landlords

NLA tells councils to return HMO licence fees

After three recent judgements rescinding charges made for HMO licences on the grounds that they were excessive or unlawful, the National Landlords Association has written to every local council in England requesting that

1 in 5 tenants may incur their landlord fines under new immigration laws

The new measures to combat illegal immigration announced in the Queen's Speech earlier on this year continue to court controversy both in the industry and outside of it. The rules place the onus

Agents advised to display deposits as well as fees

The deadline for compliance to the new advertising regulations for letting agents is November 1 and the advertising watchdog along with consumer organisation Which? will be paying close attention its implementation. Agents have been

Scottish letting agents to be consulted on new regulatory measures

Regulation of letting agents in Scotland is set to increase - but the Scottish government has promised that landlords and agents will be consulted as the new level of regulation is implemented. A

Court of Appeal exposes landlords to legal action

Last month's ruling by the Court of Appeal could mean that private landlords who unwittingly broke the law with regard to deposit protection will face legal action from their tenants. The ruling, which has

Rent in advance is not a deposit

The Court of Appeal has made a landmark ruling, decreeing that the payment of rent in advance does not count as a deposit. The decision comes from the case of Johnson vs. Old, which

Did the Government turn down free tenant-checking service?

The Queen's Speech in May raised the controversial issue of landlords being forced to pay for immigration checks on their tenants. Now it seems that the government may have had the opportunity three years

Landlords to deal with anti-social tenants – or risk losing rent

Landlords to deal with anti-social tenants - or risk losing rent Landlords in England and Wales could be legally obliged to follow their Scottish counterparts' example, and register with a local council. This would give

Half of UK Landlords do not hire an Agent

  New figures suggest that half of the landlords in the country are not using a letting agent - suggesting that there are considerable growth opportunities out there for agents who are prepared to

Universal Credit causes huge increase in arrears

Rent arrears have risen by up to sevenfold in the wake of the decision to pay social housing tenants' benefits to them, rather than directly to their landlords. The scheme, known as Universal