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The new measures to combat illegal immigration announced in the Queen's Speech earlier on this year continue to court controversy both in the industry and outside of it. The rules place the onus
richard06 November 2013landlords, landlord Regulation Comments closed
Shelter's model for lettings in the UK has come under fire from a report commissioned by the Residential Landlord's Association, which states that the proposals outlined would only serve to 'fatally undermine' the private
richard31 October 2013letting agents, RLA, landlord Regulation Comments closed
Public confused by unregulated agents The Tory MP for Rugby, Mark Pawsey, has claimed that tenants are puzzled by the lack of regulation for letting agents in England and Wales, particularly considering the regulation
richard23 July 2013letting agents, Regulation, agents, agent regulation Comments closed
Regulation of letting agents in Scotland is set to increase - but the Scottish government has promised that landlords and agents will be consulted as the new level of regulation is implemented. A
richard09 July 2013landlords, landlord Regulation, agents Comments closed
Last month's ruling by the Court of Appeal could mean that private landlords who unwittingly broke the law with regard to deposit protection will face legal action from their tenants. The ruling, which has
richard04 July 2013landlords, tenants, tenancy deposit protection scheme, landlord Regulation, deposit Comments closed
The biggest debate in the lettings industry over the last year has been the ongoing saga of regulation. Should letting agents be treated as estate agents? Or would a raft of new
richard16 April 2013letting agents, Regulation5333 comments
Caroline Kenny, the outspoken chair of the UK Association of Letting Agents, has stated that she does not believe that a central regulator would be beneficial for the rental sector. She instead favours
richard05 April 2013letting agents, ARLA, UKALA, Regulation2288 comments