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Shelter's model for lettings in the UK has come under fire from a report commissioned by the Residential Landlord's Association, which states that the proposals outlined would only serve to 'fatally undermine' the private
richard31 October 2013letting agents, RLA, landlord Regulation Comments closed
The deadline for compliance to the new advertising regulations for letting agents is November 1 and the advertising watchdog along with consumer organisation Which? will be paying close attention its implementation. Agents have been
richard12 September 2013landlords, letting agents, ARLA Comments closed
The Citizens Advice Bureau has been forced onto the defensive after a Northamptonshire letting agent accused it of "targeting" letting agents. The controversy comes in the wake of an online survey by the
richard31 July 2013tenants, letting agents, citizens advice bureau Comments closed
Public confused by unregulated agents The Tory MP for Rugby, Mark Pawsey, has claimed that tenants are puzzled by the lack of regulation for letting agents in England and Wales, particularly considering the regulation
richard23 July 2013letting agents, Regulation, agents, agent regulation Comments closed
Ajay Jagota, letting agent with KIS Lettings, has criticised ARLA over the controversial recent collapse of Charterhouse lettings. ARLA have, however, responded with a statement that they acted appropriately as soon as they were aware
richard17 July 2013letting agents, ARLA Comments closed
An Essex-based letting agency which was a member of the Association of Residential Letting Agents has gone into liquidation. Furthermore, the company has been the subject of complaints to the police, with sources alleging
richard10 July 2013letting agents, ARLA Comments closed
Regulation of letting agents in Scotland is set to increase - but the Scottish government has promised that landlords and agents will be consulted as the new level of regulation is implemented. A
richard09 July 2013landlords, landlord Regulation, agents Comments closed
The Court of Appeal has made a landmark ruling, decreeing that the payment of rent in advance does not count as a deposit. The decision comes from the case of Johnson vs. Old, which
richard04 July 2013landlords, tenants, agents, deposit, rent Comments closed
New figures suggest that half of the landlords in the country are not using a letting agent - suggesting that there are considerable growth opportunities out there for agents who are prepared to
richard19 April 2013landlords, letting agents3695 comments
The biggest debate in the lettings industry over the last year has been the ongoing saga of regulation. Should letting agents be treated as estate agents? Or would a raft of new
richard16 April 2013letting agents, Regulation5333 comments